Games / 游戏

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Game participation / 游戏参与

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1. 关注我们的微信账号,获取媒体声音。
2. 不接受重复提交。
3. 我们需要您的微信 ID 来验证您的参与、提供更新信息以及通知您未来的游戏或促销活动。
4. 我们每天将随机抽取一个微信 ID,并与您联系。如果您提供了正确答案,您将获得奖品。
5. 如果回答错误,奖品金额将增加。
6. 每天只拨打一次电话。
7. 声音将持续到每周五。如果没有提交正确答案,将推出新的声音。
8. 参与对象仅限于年满 18 周岁、受雇于使用数控机床的公司的个人。
9. 奖品将以商店代金券的形式发放。



1. Follow our WeChat account to gain access to the media sound.
2.Duplicate entries will not be accepted.
3. We request your WeChat ID to validate your participation, provide updates, and inform you about future games or promotions.
4. One WeChat ID will be randomly selected each day and will be contacted by us. If you provide the correct answer, you will receive the prize.
5. In the event of an incorrect answer, the prize amount will increase.
6. Only one call will be made per day.
7. The sound will be available until each Friday. If the correct answer is not submitted, a new sound will be introduced.
8. Participation is limited to individuals over 18 years old who are employed in companies utilizing CNC machinery.
9. Prizes will be issued as store vouchers.



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